The Chalice Friday, November 08 2024
>>>CLICK HERE FOR FULL EMAIL VERSION It’s been reported that we are entering into drought conditions across the New York metro area. I’ve been missing a damp fall, but it’s been nice not to have to worry about too much water for now. I know that it’s not going to last and eventually we’ll get some rain. This weekend’s Old Testament reading takes place in the middle of a drought. Chapter 17 introduces the Prophet Elijah into the Biblical story. Preceding this were the stories of Kings David and Solomon, among other kings. Now we start to hear more about prophets rather than history. “The word of the Lord” came to Elijah and warned him of a drought. What comes next is this week’s reading. A curious story of a widow and her cake meal. She is about to use up the last of her meal for her and her son and then, frightfully, starve due to famine. Recently, I’ve been watching an older HBO show from the 2000s, Carnivale. Set during the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, it tells of a travelling carnival show and a young man who is a healer of sorts. It casts a deep, visionary imagery of religious sentiment during that time, one that is sticking with me. Because at the same time, through the other main character, a zealous minister, truly a charismatic Calvinist if I’ve ever seen one, we see the total depravity of man. At times in our lives we are spiritually inept. Blocked. Angsty. Think about times in your life where you feel spiritually dry. Physically you felt fine, in fact maybe life in the eyes of others was seemingly going well for you. But you knew you lacked something. Who is there to feed us during our spiritual droughts, I wonder? Jesus Christ to be sure. But how does that sound sometimes? Like he’s a sort of technique? The word of the Lord is an ever-living and ever-refreshing source of life. How are we making sure to feed and drink on He who gives us life? Yours in Christ, Fr. Zachary Latest Posts