The Chalice Friday, May 24 2024
>>> click here for full email version as webpage Abundant Life by Lisa La Grange Abundant life is knowing You; enraptured by Your grace. Your promises are always true. Your joy, none can replace. For You’re the treasure hidden deep my passion will unearth. Those searching for Your Kingdom reap the pearl of matchless worth. You gave Your life to rescue me; Your mercy overwhelms and gives to me ability to walk in victory’s realms. Your glory pours down from above and saturates my life. I’m captivated by Your love; delivered from all strife. Majestic King in splendor bright, You reign forevermore. To be with You, my deep delight; Your presence, I adore.
Our last concert at St. John’s was performed by the Jazz All Stars. The concert was wonderful because each of the artists had immense talent. What struck me was when they all played together in a manner that brought the crowd into unity. The crowd gave ovation after ovation to show their thanks of the beautiful jazz music. When the drummer, the singer, the bass player and the coronet artist all played a song, the audience was drawn together through the music. Our world is plagued with a cacophony of voices and opinions. Social media and television draw us into conflicting groups. The world is filled with hate and wars. Yet our appreciation of great music can align the conflicting forces into a unity of gratitude. The sound of the music brought me joy and a feeling of oneness with the crowd that attended. After the concert we met the artists and enjoyed some wonderful food as we met folks from the community of Huntington. This is Trinity Sunday. The preacher will attempt to unravel the mystery of how God draws the world into a common path of joy, love, joy and hope. We are one in Christ as God is one as creator, redeemer, and sustainer. God created the world, and it is good because he gave us rational brains to live within it and sustain it. We give thanks for the beauty of God in creation and I hope you will get out today to experience and enjoy it. The whole concept of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is simply a drawing together of folks into mutual and unconditional love. On Memorial Day at 10AM, we will plant in the community organic garden on Dunlap. The garden brings us together as we serve those in our community who do not have enough fresh, healthy produce. Giving of ourselves for the sake of others brings us into unity with God. Creator, God bring us into a new life of beauty and goodness in your creation. Jesus, Redeemer, renew us through your Gospel by teaching us how to be in relation with others. Holy Spirit, Sustainer, strengthen and guide us in unity. In Christ’s love, Fr. Duncan Latest Posts