The Chalice Friday, August 04 2023
>>>CLICK HERE FOR FULL EMAIL VERSION This weekend, the church commemorates the Feast of the Transfiguration, always celebrated on August 6. This year, it lands on a Sunday. For us, at St. John’s, we will also be celebrating five baptisms! Thanks be to God! We are pleased to welcome back three sets of families for the baptism of their children who have deep roots here at St. John’s. Much like Mary and Joseph in the Gospel of Luke going back to Joseph’s family’s ancestral town of Bethlehem to be registered, these families have made the choice to come back to their “ancestral” church for baptism. Pray for Logan, Connor, Wyatt, Colby, and Ryan as they begin their Christian journey. Logan’s parents, Patrick and Stacey Wright, were married here and Patrick grew up here in the parish. Patrick’s sister Colleen, who will be Logan’s godmother, too was married here just last summer. John Mulada is the grandfather of the four young men being baptized, Connor, Wyatt, Colby, and Ryan. Along with his sister, Ruth, they attended St. John’s during their formative years. John’s children, Amy and Jeffrey, were baptized here as well. Jeffrey is the father of Connor and Wyatt. Amy is the mother of Colby and Ryan. We welcome them all back and look forward to seeing them on Sunday! Yours in Christ, Latest Posts