The Chalice Monday, October 31 2022
>>>CLICK HERE FOR FULL EMAIL VERSION “To this end we always pray for you, asking that our God will make you worthy of his call and will fulfill by his power every good resolve and work of faith, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12) Last weekend was an incredible weekend at St. John's. On Saturday, our Harvest Fair went extremely well. The church was busy and the comradery among our parishioners was palpable. The weather was wonderful and the food was terrific. I would like to thank our entire ECW team that worked so hard to make the event such a huge success. Today’s lesson tells us that the ministry of the church is to work in community to teach what loving God and loving our neighbor is all about. If churches are dying, it is because they are not glorifying God. Isaiah tells us to “Learn to do good, seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, and plead for the widow” (Isaiah 1:16-17). We glorify God when we work together to restore each other to God and community. We do this by going to Nogalas, Arizona and listening, learning and loving. We do this when we volunteer at our Harvest Fair to help those most in need in our community. We will give over 30,000 to local charities and another 20,000 to support the mission trips and ministry of St. John’s. A special thanks to Chris Boccia, Fran Gorman, and Carol Goldbaum for their leadership in the ECW and at the Harvest Fair. Thanks to Mary Beth and our thrift shop team. Thanks to Kamaria, Mike, Sean, John, the vestry and those who worked in the kitchen. Thanks to Mary, Sue, Patti, Janice, Martha and the St. Hilda’s Guild. Thanks to Alex and the choir. Thank you to Deacon Claire and Gary. Thanks to Fr. James and Jenni. Thank you to Fr. Anthony and the St. Augustine’s Choir. Thanks to the St. Augustine Steel Drum band and the Christian band. Thanks to Patti and all those who gave to the silent auction and those who made baskets. Thanks to Daria and Liz and all those that got gift certificates, Last but not least thank you to Coral and everyone that helped out with the Harvest Fair. At St. John's, we want to bring people to newness of life through the teachings of Jesus Christ and in the Sacraments. We are a Christ centered church that values tradition, yet moves forward in the Holy Spirit. During our stewardship campaign, people will witness what makes St. John's so special to them. Last week John talked about giving proportionately and Sean talked about being welcomed at St. John’s. St. John’s is a friendly congregation because we follow the two simple commandments that Jesus gave us. We are also one of the most diverse churches in Suffolk County. Our parish is dedicated, "to know Christ and to make Him known." We are trying to live in the present reality as we move towards the kingdom of heaven. The political environment may make us a little anxious, but our faith is the rock that never moves. Please love God and one another as Jesus Christ loves us. We have something very special here at St. John's. Giving your time, talent, and treasure brings both you and this community to a place where we can minister to our children, the poor, the sick, and the thirsty. This year’s stewardship campaign is “More than enough.” Please place your pledge card in the offering plate today or just sign up for online giving. There are pledge cards in all the pews. The cards will then be blessed at the altar. Giving of ourselves for the sake of others literally ushers in the coming kingdom. In Christ’s love, Fr. Duncan Latest Posts