The Chalice Friday, September 02 2022
>>>>CLICK HERE FOR FULL EMAIL VERSION Discipleship Faithful discipleship is definitely not for the faint of heart. What does it really mean to follow Jesus. So often we say those words, or even sing those words. We have a song in our Praise Book called, “I have decided to follow Jesus.” It is an upbeat song that energizes us. When we sing it, many of us feel a deep joy and true commitment to walk the road as a disciple of Jesus. This week’s Gospel, however, paints a much clearer picture of what is really at stake when we make that commitment. Jesus uses strong language to spell out the high cost of discipleship. He tells us that it must be a total dedication that moves us from wanting to be a disciple, to considering being a disciple to making the final decision to being a disciple. There is nothing simple and easy about this decision. It was easy for the multitudes, and in fact for us to follow Christ superficially. Many followed Jesus because he was charismatic. He taught, prayed, healed, and performed many miracles. We, like the multitudes in Jesus’ day are captivated by the excitement of his ministry. We want to know what is next on his plate. But in today’s Gospel, Jesus looks to weed out those who followed him for superficial reasons. He was sent by God to not only die for our sins but share God’s truth to humankind. As he continues his journey to Jerusalem, things will begin to heat up and those who were mesmerized by his incredible energy will most likely fall away. This would be damaging for his greater cause. We are being asked to consider the cost of discipleship, and Jesus’s message is radical and demanding. We all fall short, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, and the grace of God, we have the capacity to prevail. It is a process that all of us at St. John’s are engaged in, and at its heart is transformation. “The call to discipleship is a gift of grace, and that call is inseparable from grace.” May our hearts be transformed! I Surrender All All to Jesus I surrender All to Jesus I surrender All to Jesus I surrender I surrender all With great perseverance, hope and love, Latest Posts