The Chalice Sunday, April 14 2019
Socrates and Plato believed that the most important kind of knowledge comes from a re-awakening of truth that is dormant within us. We celebrate the Eucharist by remembering the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The prayer of remembrance is called the Anamnesis. This Greek word for remembrance comes from one who has lost their amnesia. At the Eucharist, the priest says, “do this in remembrance of me.” We re-member the words of Jesus Christ at the last supper, but we connect with our soul in a past, present, and future event. Those who have lost their identity or purpose need to re-member what God has done for them and to know that they are unconditionally loved by God. I urge you to call your friends and family who have wandered from the church and invite them to re-member that “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16). Palm Sunday and Easter are the core liturgical observances of the Christian year because we re-member what God has done, is doing, and will do for us. They are also the time when many people who have been away, come back to church. Please join us this week as we re-member the last days of Jesus’ life. Holy Week offers a series of services that reconnect our souls with the truth that God has given us in the person of Jesus Christ. Maundy Thursday is a simple service in the tradition of the last supper. We will begin with a Seder meal at 6:00PM. This is the Jewish Tradition that Jesus practiced with his disciples. Please speak to Heather Kress and let her know that you will be joining us for this family friendly meal together. At 7:30PM, we move into the church. The Gospel from John is read and we wash each other’s feet as a sign of our servanthood and love of one another. The service ends with a dramatic stripping of the altar and we begin a prayer vigil through the night. Good Friday is a somber reminder of the depth of God’s love for us. We pray at the foot of the cross with Mary and John. We pray in silence and ponder the incredible love of God in the act of Jesus death on the cross for our sins. Fr. John will preach from 12-3PM on the last seven words of Jesus Christ. At 7:00PM we will do the Stations of the Cross and at 7:30PM we will have a Good Friday service with music. Easter Sunday is a celebration of Christ’s resurrection and the hope that Christ gives to each of us. All are welcome to share with us in his resurrection. At 7:30AM, we will light a fire in the Garden of Blessing and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The children will celebrate with the flowering of the cross and an Easter egg hunt at the 9:00AM service. There will also be a beautiful choral Eucharist at 11:00AM. We will proclaim the resurrection with the words, “Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!” These services help us to connect to the love of God and see ourselves as part of a community baptized into the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I urge you to come to as many Holy Week services as you are able, to invite guests, and to welcome everyone with open arms. In Christ’s love, Fr. Duncan Latest Posts