The Chalice Sunday, July 15 2018
“It was in the conversation with Nicodemus that Nicodemus said, “You know Lord, I want to know more about your teaching.” And Jesus said to him, “Nicodemus don’t give me that jive. We’re not on Oprah Winfrey.” He said Nicodemus, “You must be born again.” In the Greek it can be translated, born again, born anew, or born from above. And the point, I think, the only reason to be born is so that you can live! God wants you to live! God wants us to have life, and God wants all of his children to have life! I could go on but I won’t. It goes on in John’s gospel, he says, “I am resurrection and I am life”. He says in the fourteenth chapter, “I am the way, and the truth and the life”. In the tenth chapter, “I have come that you might have life.” And then at the end of the gospel, I’ve written all these things so that you might believe and have life! The whole point is life! Life abundant meant for each. Life for rich folk and life for poor folk. Life for Democrats and life for Republicans. Life for Independents! Life for Deputies! Life for Bishops! Life for everybody! Life! Life! Life! Life. Life. And the truth is it’s so easy to be deceived about what makes for real life. My brothers, my sisters, my siblings, we have work to do… To stand for Christianity, a way of being Christian that looks like Jesus of Nazareth. A way of being Christian that is grounded and based on love. A way of being Christian that is not ashamed to be called people of love. So go from this place and be people of the way. Go from this place as people of Jesus. Go from this place as people of love! Go from this place and heal our lands! Go from this place and heal our world! Go from this place until justice rolls down! Go from this place until the nightmare is over! Go from this place until God’s dream is realized! Go from this place and help us live! God love ya! God bless ya!” (Presiding Bishop Curry) Please go from St. John’s in abundant life. As you enjoy some rest, relaxation, and vacation this summer, please be part of the Jesus Movement by loving one another. Bring life to the poor, oppressed, and sight to the blind through the ministries of St. John’s. Please join us next Sunday July 22nd for Baptism and a special sermon from Deacon Anthony Jones. In Christ’s love, Fr. Duncan Latest Posts