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Welcome to St John's Huntington

Welcome to St. John's Huntington

Worship with Us

Morning Prayer via Zoom
9:00 am - Monday through Friday

Noonday Prayer in the church
12:15 pm  - Wednesdays (Doors open at noon)

Sunday Worship Schedule
All Sunday services are available in person & on Zoom

8:00 am - Rite I Holy Eucharist in the church
Facebook Live:

9:40 am - Sunday School (download calendar)

10:00 am - Rite II Holy Eucharist in the church

Parish Office Hours

The Parish Office hours are Monday-Friday, by appointment only. (Except Holidays)
Please call or email to make an appointment .
(631) 427-1752 or

Directions to St. John's

What's Up at St. John's ...

Christian Education 2024-25

CONFIRMATION - Confirmation will be on Saturday, June 14, 2025 at 11:00 am at Trinity Church in Northport. Confirmation class will meet once a month on Sundays at 12:00 pm. Classes are open to youth, 7-12 graders. 

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION - First Communion will be on Sunday, April 27, 2025, at the 10:00 am service. All those interested in First Holy Communion in the spring must attend Sunday School beginning in the fall. First Holy Communion classes will begin in January and is open to 2nd graders and above.


Monday, January 20th at 2 - 3:30 pm.  Join us for the Closing Inspirational Program for the MLK Day of Service.

REGISTER HERE for this free event.

Abraham's Table of Long Island's "Becoming a Beloved Community" project is hosting more than 30 faith-based, anti-hate activities across the Island in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Programs include discussions, dances, service projects and virtual panels. Featuring Paule Pachter, President/CFO of Long Island Cares; The Harry Chapin Food Bank, The Thea Bowman Gospel Choir, & clergy of all faiths.

Thrift Shop 

Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, noon to 3pm. Come & Shop our wide selection of clothing, accessories, and household items!

Donate - We accept donations of new or gently used clothing, accessories, and household items. Please no books, furniture, out-dated electronics, or damaged items.

Volunteer - We are still bulding our teams. If you wish to become a volunteer, please call (631) 427-1752, ext 106.

Noonday Prayer

Wednesdays at 12:15 pm. Come and find peace in the middle of the week in our beautiful, historic, air-conditioned church. The doors will be open from noon until 1 pm for prayer and quiet contemplation.

Bible Study

Mondays at 6:30 pm on Zoom: 

Tuesdays at 11:00 am in the Guild room.

St. John's in the News!

EPISCOPAL MINISTRIES OF LONG ISLAND - St. John’s Garden of Grace grows fresh produce and flowers for those in need, fostering community, sustainability, and spiritual connection.

NEWSDAY - Interfaith groups on Long Island seek to bridge divisions that breed hate.

Alpha in Lent

Tuesdays, March 4 - April 8

Curious about faith? 

There's a seat for you at the table.

You can ask anything - it's a safe space to question life, faith, and meaning. Everyone is welcome.

5:30 pm - Stations of the Cross
6:00 pm - Supper
6:30 pm Conversation - What do you think?

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The Chalice

St. John's Calendar

St. John's Episcopal Church
12 Prospect St. | Huntington, NY 11743 | PH: (631) 427-1752
Sunday Services at 8 AM and 10 AM
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